Faith As A Currency

In 2013 the Lord said to me, that I should regularly take some days apart where rather than spend the day working for money for eight, ten, or even twelve hours at one stretch, plus the time taken to get ready for work, commute back and forth and then to wind down after work, I should rather spend the day with God, ‘working’ in the spirit; I should spend the day, “transacting in the spirit” for financial provision.

He told me to spend days resting in Him and exchanging the currency of faith. He told me to make Him my provider!

This article was born out of those instructions.

Faith can and should be used with the same intentionality, purpose, and deliberateness that we do with physical cash or coin already in our pocket.

Faith As A Currency

Faith is a currency! Faith is a legal tender! Faith is coin!

Currency is “a system of money in general use in a particular country”.

Legal tender is “coins or banknotes that must be accepted if offered in payment of a debt”.

And coin can be defined as cash or currency.

Faith is legal tender. Faith is the currency and legal tender of the economy of heaven. It can be legally tendered in exchange for the goods and services of the kingdom of God. It must be accepted when offered. It is illegal to tender anything else. Any other tender is counterfeit, illegal and untenable (untenderable). Faith is how the transactions between heaven and earth are carried out and accomplished.

The great early twentieth century intercessor Rees Howells says that when he was in the process of buying property and estates for the work of the ministry with no cash in hand, God taught him that, 1“the promises of God are equal to current coin and therefore, (you) must act on the promises as (you) would if (you) actually had the cash”.

Faith can and should be used with the same intentionality, purpose, and deliberateness that we do with physical cash or coin already in our pocket.

Faith is also our receipt. Faith is the proof, or the evidence that we have or will receive what we have prayed for. When we tender (offer) faith we should expect to receive just as much as we do when we tender physical cash. The bank of heaven respects faith, in fact, “without faith it is impossible to please… (heaven)” – Hebrews 11:6 – or do any business at all with heaven.

You wouldn’t expect to pay for something with physical cash and then not receive what you’ve paid for would you? That would be fraudulent, a scam! Well faith is exactly the same. The economy of heaven is neither fraudulent, nor a scam. We receive what we pay with faith for. When we pay for a good, we receive it. We must believe (have faith in) this process and go out and claim our purchased goods.

Faith is our legal tender, and it is our receipt that shows the goods are ours, fully paid for, so we can claim them.

Jesus said, “whatsoever thing you desire, when you pray, believe (have faith) that you have received them, and you shall have them”.

Faith is our receipt!

1Grubb, Norman. Rees Howells, Intercessor (Kindle Locations 2397-2398). The Lutterworth Press. Kindle Edition.

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