Fear is the source of all failure
Faith working by love is the source of all success!
For love never Fails!
Love always succeeds!
And faith works by love!
Every believer and every person living on this planet
is operating by this principle, whether they know it or not
It’s an eternal, foundational principle
As an example, gravity still works, whether you believe in it or not,
whether you pray about it or not
The law of Gravity is unbreakable
Gravity can and will kill you if you get on the wrong side of it
whether you believe it can or not
If someone stepped off a tall building
and plummeted to their death because of gravity
It wasn’t really gravity that killed them
They simply got on the wrong side of a physical law
The absolute same is true of God and spiritual laws
They are in place already and if we cooperate with them
they will help us and bless us
But if we get on the wrong side of them, we get hurt or worse
Not because God wanted to hurt us
but because we broke the law
Then it wouldn’t be God’s fault,
it would be our choice that hurt us
It’s like getting saved or not
going to hell or not
God sends no one to hell
it’s people’s choices that send them there
By not choosing to serve God
you are choosing to go to hell
So, this law of faith working by love guarantees success and fear guarantees failure