I am loved and accepted (permanently; graced, specially honoured, highly favoured) in The Be-loved i.e. the One upon whom God has bestowed His love, the One whom God loves, the One He has decided and chosen to love, the One He loves by irrevocable choice; (Ephesians 1:6; Colossians 3:3) and I will never be rejected or excluded. God only sees me in Christ and He has granted me a permanent place here. (Outside of Christ I would be a nobody but inside Christ I am accepted by God). I am as accepted and as beloved in God’s sight as ‘the’ Be-loved, Jesus Christ Himself is. I am as precious in God’s sight as Jesus is. I am as much one with God as Jesus is (John 10:30). God loves me, with the same passion with which He loved and loves, Jesus (John 15:9; 17:23). Because of this I can walk with the same boldness, fearlessness, confidence and authority that Jesus did and does. I can walk with the same freedom from guilt, shame, condemnation and torment that Jesus did. I can walk with the same sense of righteousness and holiness that He did. I am joined unto the Lord, I am one spirit with Him. He will never deny me. I am a part of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. He cannot hate Himself (Ephesians 5:29 – 30). He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13).
Jesus came to give me life more abundantly and not death. Life in every area of my existence, my finances, my health etc.
I believe the love of God. He that spared not His own Son… The God-kind of love is in me (John 17:26; 1 John 3:14). I have passed from death to life because of love (1 John 3:14). Christ has abolished death in me and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. I am immortal. I will never die! (2 Timothy 1:10). I have been delivered from the power and authority of darkness into the kingdom of Jesus Christ, God’s dear Son, the kingdom of the Son of His love, the Son He loves (Colossians 1:13). It’s all about love. Love rules. I am a beloved subject of the loving and beloved King.
God loved me even when I was fatherless, dirty and an orphan. (Ezekiel 16, Romans 5:6-10). Because He loved me so much He adopted me as His own child and has authorized me to use His name (Isaiah 44:5; Ephesians 3:14 – 15; John 1:12). I have been adopted by God into His family and He is now legally my Father, my Daddy (Romans 8:15). When I was born again I was adopted into the family of God with all the rights and privileges of a true son. But more than that I actually ‘became’ a true ‘biological’ son of God; I was reborn (John 3:3) and re-gene-rated, given new genes inherited from God by the Spirit of God (Titus 3:5). My adoption did not lead to me becoming a ‘biological’ son of God, but rather it was my becoming a biological son that led to my adoption; ‘biological’ sonship is the foundation of my adoption. I became and now am a new creature that never existed before that time (2 Corinthians 5:17). If He loved me so much while I was still unclean how much much more would He love me if it were possible, now that I am clean?
All of the old fear, doubt and anxiety is now a thing of the past, dead and gone with the old man. (Romans 6:6). The love of God is able to carry me, able to bear my weight; I am not on my own and never again will be. I have no reason or basis for fear, it is now foreign and alien to me. Fear can no longer be at home in me or make its home in me, and I can no longer be at home in fear. I dwell in love (1 John 4:) and not in fear and love dwells in me. I am rooted and grounded in love. I am growing up in love. (Ephesians 3:14 – 19). This is my new creation reality.
Fear no longer has any basis upon which to torment me. There is no condemnation to me in Christ Jesus. Anything other than love and faith is an illusion of Satan the deceiver. He masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He he uses smoke and mirrors to bend light and show me false reflections of myself and and lies that he has power in my life and over my future. He is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) i.e. of this natural world and he influences and manipulates circumstances in an attempt to program fear into me or to get me to receive fear.
I am not an orphan, I am not comfortless, (John 14:18). I have a Father, and more than just a Father, I have a tender, loving Daddy. (Romans 8:15). I have actually been reborn, born again by the Holy Spirit and born into God’s family of love. I now bear His nature, His Name (Ephesians 3:15), His imprint, His stamp, His genes, I am His and He is mine (Isaiah 44:5). I have no reason to be afraid, there is no spirit of fear in this family because the Spirit of love keeps the fear out. (1 John 4:18; 2 Timothy 1:7). The power, the anointing, of the Holy Spirit keeps the fear out (2 Timothy 1:7). The glory of the Father (ie the Holy Spirit, Romans 6:4) keeps the fear out. My self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7) keeps the fear out.
There is no longer any basis for fear in my life. The master fear is the fear of death. Ultimately it is the fear of death that Satan uses to hold people in any kind of bondage and even hold them in spiritual infancy, (to forestall and) prevent them from exercising their faith or authority, to deceive them. All bondage comes from (this) fear, all fear is bondage and feeds fear; and all fear ultimately has its roots in the fear of death. But I am not afraid of death. Jesus has abolished death and destroyed him that had the power of death, (the dominion, the might, the ability to kill me), that is the devil Hebrews 2:14. By rising from the dead Jesus exposed the lie of Satan that death could not be set aside. Jesus dethroned death. He is the first begotten from the dead and we have followed after Him. I have therefore been delivered from the fear of death and thus from all bondage. Hebrews 2:14. Death holds no terror for me. Christ has abolished death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. I am immortal. I cannot die. (2 Timothy 1:10). I have been delivered from the power and authority of darkness and death into the kingdom of Jesus Christ, God’s dear Son, the kingdom of the Son of His love, the Son He loves (Colossians 1:13). I now have eternal life (John 3:15 – 16; 11:25 – 26). It’s all about love. Love rules. Life rules. I will never die.
Jesus came to give me life more abundantly and not death. Life in every area of my existence, my finances, my health etc. He holds the keys of death and of hell and He delegated authority to me as part of His church, His body. Nothing in my life can die prematurely. Death has no dominion over me. Jesus alone (and me) will determine how and when I die or anything in my life, my finances etc dies. And if perchance anything in my life does die prematurely for any reason, Jesus will resurrect it for He is the resurrection and the life. (John 11:25). (On the other hand He has the authority allow to die anything living in my life that needs to die). (Mathew 15:13). Jesus has the keys of death and of hell. (Revelation 1:18). He opens and no man shuts (Isaiah 22:22; Revelation 3:7), He shuts and no man opens. He has the keys. While in hell He wrested the keys of death and hell from the devil, took the armour from him in which he trusted (Luke 11:22), disarmed principalities and powers (Colossians 2:15) and rose from the dead victorious having re-acquired all authority in heaven and earth (Mathew 28:18). He then immediately delegated all of this authority and mandate to me (Mathew 28:18 – 20). Satan cannot kill me. In Christ death has no more dominion over me. (Romans 6:9). God has redeemed my soul from the power of the grave. (Psalm 49:15). I shall never taste death (John 11:25) for Christ has tasted it for me (Hebrews 2:9). He didn’t like its taste or flavour so He rose again and I rose with Him. (Acts 2:24 – 28; Colossians 3:1). Death is a literal entity, a spirit. (Revelation 6:8) and I can now taunt him to his face and say (1Corinthians 15:54, MSG):
“Death swallowed by triumphant Life!
Who got the last word, oh, Death?
Oh, Death, who’s afraid of you now?”
So Jesus Christ has set me free, I am free. He whom the Son of God shall set free is free indeed. (John 8:36). I stand fast in my liberty. (Galatians 5:1). Fear is a sin, because it is not of faith, (Romans 14:23) of trust, of love. It is a work of the flesh, a product of the fallen, carnal nature. It is a part of the curse of the law (Deuteronomy 28:65 – 67). But Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13).
I am in love, I am loved and in love, I dwell in love, I abide in love, I am in a family of love, in a pool of love, I love and am loved. In love I live and move and have my being. I am soaking up the love of God and the love of the brethren. I am soaked and suffused in love. I dwell in the rays of God’s love.