The Most Holy Place, the Holy of Holies, the Inner Sanctuary or Secret Place of the Temple, where lived and that we read about in the Old Testament of the Bible, it is no longer a geographical place or a physical space to be visited. Rather, it is now a state of heart and of mind, an awareness of the constant, abiding presence of God within us, wherever we may be, wherever we may go, the permanent indwelling of His Holy Spirit in the Christian’s heart.
Spiritual Amnesia – Learning To Forget
Offence and unforgiveness are the devil’s strategies to gain a foothold and ultimately a stronghold in our hearts and our lives. Let’s give him no place in us.
Resist The Devil
You are responsible for maintaining the integrity of your own spirit, soul and body to keep the devil out. He can only take what you yield to him, and he will gladly do so.
Obstruction Of Justice
When we refuse to forgive people who wrong us or we retaliate in any way, we are attempting to take the law into our own hands, and we’ll get into trouble with the very same law which was meant to protect us and defend us!
Love Is The Answer
Meditate on the solution, and not on the problem Love is the solution, love is the answer Love is the source & root & foundation …
Love Confessions From I & II Corinthians
My worth is defined in the degree to which I walk in love and not in terms of my spiritual gifts, my knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of God or in the amount of faith I have.
I Am Loved
I am in love, I am loved and in love, I dwell in love, I abide in love, I am in a family of love, in a pool of love, I love and am loved. In love I live and move and have my being. I am soaking up the love of God and the love of the brethren. I am soaked and suffused in love. I dwell in the rays of God’s love.
Go To Church Today
No matter your circumstances or reasons, now is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. You need your brethren in Christ and your brethren in Christ need you. You need to be in involved in God’s mission, corporately with other Christians.
Fear – The Root Of Failure
Fear is the source of all failure Faith working by love is the source of all success! For love never Fails! Love always succeeds! And …
Faith As A Servant
It is not a question of how big your faith is; rather it is simply one of the fact that you do have faith. Faith works, period! If your faith does not work it is because you have not put it to work in the same way that if your servant doesn’t work it is because you have not put him to work, you’ve not given him any instructions.