Fear is the source of all failure Faith working by love is the source of all success! For love never Fails! Love always succeeds! And …
Fear – The Root Of Failure

Dedicated to winning souls and transforming whole nations for the glory of God
Fear is the source of all failure Faith working by love is the source of all success! For love never Fails! Love always succeeds! And …
It is not a question of how big your faith is; rather it is simply one of the fact that you do have faith. Faith works, period! If your faith does not work it is because you have not put it to work in the same way that if your servant doesn’t work it is because you have not put him to work, you’ve not given him any instructions.
You wouldn’t expect to pay for something with physical cash and then not receive what you’ve paid for would you? That would be fraudulent, a scam! Well faith is exactly the same. The economy of heaven is neither fraudulent, nor a scam. We receive what we pay with faith for. When we pay for a good, we receive it. We must believe (have faith in) this process and go out and claim our purchased goods.
What does it mean to violate your conscience? It means to continue to do things that your conscience tells you are wrong. It means to desensitize your conscience to the truth.